Letter from our Board of Directors
Dear Community Members,
We are pleased to report that our financial position continues to grow. With our ever-improving financial position, ELF has been able to increase the funds available for grants. If you are interested in applying for a grant, please click here.
If you have a desire to assist ELF and its efforts to continue to build the endowment, please feel free to contact us at 413-529-3354 or email us.
Should you have any questions about ELF, please feel free to contact any of the Board members.
The Board of Directors wishes to thank the community for the support we have received over the past several years, as we continue to try to have a positive impact on public education in Easthampton.
The Board of Directors
Easthampton Learning Foundation
Genevieve Brough, Board President
Jessica White, Board Treasurer
Jenny Papageorge, Board Secretary
Laurie Lagana Brown
Jen Fulcher
Andrea Marks
Kara McElhone
Amanda Kemp
Susan Lapointe
In Emeritus
Stan Paulauskas
Chuck McCullagh
Tom Brown